Monday, February 9, 2009

Update on Megan & Piper sponsored at Home for Life

Dear Friends of Flicka,
Thank you for your sponsorship of Megan and Piper at Home for Life. Enclosed are recent photos we hope you will enjoy.

Thank you for your patience as we restructure the sponsorship program. We are trying again to get letters with photos out to you once every 4-6 weeks. Staffing turnover and shortages at HFL, plus two major special events this fall have made keeping up with photos a challenge in recent months when we had to refocus on the basics and give our primary attention to keeping the sanctuary's animals safe, warm, fed, exercised and well. We apologize for not being able to send current photos and thank you for your loyal support during what has been a very trying time for HFL. However, we believe that the changes in our staff have been for the best and we look forward to 2009 with a renewed investment in our mission and dedication to the work of the sanctuary. Several talented volunteer photographers have signed on to help us with the sponsorship program and are committed to helping us keep up with the photos of the animals each month. We are excited to be able to share their work and interest in helping the sanctuary and our animals with you. However, this month, you will all have to bear with us as I took the photos with my 35 mm camera. We hope you still enjoy the pictures!

Happy New Year from Home for Life!
Lisa LaVerdiere Executive Director


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Rescue organizations need support in many ways. I help abandoned animals find loving homes. You can, too. . .