Thursday, February 13, 2014

Matching Funds for Holiday Fundraiser

Friends of Flicka has contributed matching funds to the Holiday Fundraiser for Red Lake Rosie's Rescue for the past several years and did so again this year. RLRR helps companion animals in need on the Red Lake Reservation north of Bemidji, MN. We recently sent our check for $2000 and received this Thank You.
Red Lake Rosie's Rescue wants to thank everyone who helped with our recent fundraisers and everyone who donated. 

You make it possible to rescue as many animals as we do. Many of these animals are alive today because we could help.
Our Holiday Fundraiser brought in nearly $20,000, plus the matching funds of $5000 from the Lawson Foundation and $2000 from Friends of Flicka for a grand total of nearly $27,000.
This is our major fundraiser of the year and much of it is spent on costs and supplies to run the shelter and for vet care and medicine for the animals.
Thank you!
Karen of RLRR

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Rescue organizations need support in many ways. I help abandoned animals find loving homes. You can, too. . .